creating more efficient educational institutions
driven by the passion to
teach and learn.
Striving to improve literacy and the way we teach.
Is Consulting
Magenta’s team has over 20 years of experience in education, research, and curriculum building. We have worked with organizations on every level of education and we are ready to work with you to facilitate growth.
Is Efficiency
In this era of information we focus on assessment and utilize modern processes to save time and make sure that we are delivering exactly what our clients need when they need it, while building a life long relationship.
Is Education
From our many years of experience we know education and are striving to create a higher level of knowledgeability, passion, growth, and innovation within organizations.
Leading the Way to Better Education
Training describes the formal, ongoing efforts that are made within organizations to improve the performance and self-fulfillment of their employees through a variety of educational methods and programs.
Our Professional Development Specialists will design, plan, and supervise your professional development needs. We will work with your staff to model special training initiatives, facilitate departmental meetings, and other educational needs that have been identified.
Developing training content, training outlines learning objectives, lesson plans, participant guides, facilitator guides, assessments, and job aides for programs. We have the capabilities to create printed marketing materials, graphics, video, audio and animation.
Organizational assessment is a major key to the Magenta process. We survey multiple members of your organization in order to gage needs and scope of work.
The key to a successful coaching relationship is a trusting rapport between teachers and coaches. Coaching is confidential, non-evaluative, and supportive. In this capacity, our Coaches will work one-on-one and in small groups with your teachers on specific teaching strategies or areas of improvement, focusing on practical changes they can make in their classrooms.
Our consultants offer program and strategic planning for private, charter and public K-12 educational institutions. Our services include faculty and staff training in the areas of: developing school and classroom culture, instructional design and implementation, curriculum development and alignment with Common Core Standards and the newly adopted NGSS model for science education.